Do You See It?
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
ISAIAH 43:19
God is doing something new.
Card Love – a new marketplace ministry to carry the love of Jesus Christ to the world.
The Novice
nov·ice /ˈnävÉ™s/
n: a person new to or inexperienced
in a field or situation.
For the novice, walking the course also means being scared senseless by all the possibilities to screw up.
Tim Keown, ESPN, 17 Sept. 2001
Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Card Love was born out of a novice's heart, not a servant's heart.
( that came later )
Card Love was formed in blessed ignorance about the process—the highs of the presence of Jesus, the precious lows of the wilderness; the exacting threshing floor. The emptying out and the filling up; the starts and fits.
( oh my )
Until finally now, arriving and being released to serve into the 'something new' place that is Card Love.
To God be all the GLORY.
Card Love is a calling, because Jesus is calling. Calling all peoples.
Come and taste and see that He is good. Come just as you are, just exactly where you are and abide in His absolute, incorruptible love.
Come all ye peoples whose souls are burdened and heavy-ladened for if you have fallen, He will pick you up and tenderly dust you off. He will anoint your wooly head with oil; He will restore you and bind up your broken heart; He will guide you and break open the way. He will never forsake you.
Come into the waiting arms of the good, good Shepherd.
Jesus is calling. It is time to come.
The Calling
call·ing /ˈkôliNG/
n: a strong urge toward a particular way of life.
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.
Parker Palmer on “Studying your Uniqueness
to Discover Your Calling”