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God is doing something new.

Now it springs up...

For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you; And His glory will be seen upon you.

Isaiah 60:2

And so, let's begin. You who have been hidden for such a time as this. You who have been purified in the fire, forged in unchanging truth; you who have yielded, been filled and made ready. It is time to A R I S E .

arise /əˈrīz/ verb

v: to begin to occur or to exist : to come into being or to attention

v: to originate from Source

v: to get up or stand up

v: to move upward : ascend

This is the time of your unveiling.

As tender green shoots begin to emerge from the earth, resolutely now rise to the brightness of His rising. Those hidden for such a time as this, come out. Come out to play in the glorious & absolute delight of His countenance. Come out and be counted.

Yes, the ground is barely thawed.

(push through anyway)

Yes, there is deep darkness.

(Jesus is the Light in this darkness)

Yes, there are scoffers and haters - aplenty.

(yet, it is written, EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue confess)

Do you not see it?

There are chains upon the people, souls sick with despair, old pestilences, new pestilences, wars and rumors of wars, motherless children, barrenness, emptiness, wickedness in high places, wolves in sheep's clothing...

and all of creation is groaning

(for the true sons and daughters of the MOST HIGH GOD to be REVEALED)

Romans 8:19


These words are interesting commands in the Hebrew, especially when given a deeper look. Qumi, meaning not only to GET UP but also to BE RESTORED. Isn't that just like our Jesus—the Son of the God of the more. He instructs you to stand up...

and receive the Holy Spirit's gift of the Ephesians 3:20 moment.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the [dunamis] power that works in us.

And if you are to "ORI"—SHINE forth as the day—you must firmly close the door of the past season to face with glad expectancy, the next.


Let's pause here

and give you time

to get up and

shut that door.


Well Done YOU!

(now lock that stinker with the Key of the House of David, Isaiah 22:22)

Isaiah 60 speaks of the City of David, the Zion of Israel's Holy One. The city had long been lying face down in the dust from the prophet's standpoint, and covered with thick darkness. Now she is bidden to arise and shine forth as the day. For her Messiah is come.

And are you not spiritual Zion who cannot shine with your own light? For you, like all humanity, have no light of your own, having been born into this dark and fallen world.


who makes all things possible, for such a time as this, who extended the call to come out of the world and spend time in the Holy radiance of His presence knowing that...

In His light shall we see light.

Psalm 36:9

So that those of you who have spent time in God's presence (and you know who you are) can't help but to ARISE now,


and REFLECT His light into this world.

1 Comment

Feb 29, 2020

Great well-thought Message! Really makes me feel like there is Hope for us! Rise&Shine!

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